Cold Isostatic Pressing

Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP) is a manufacturing technique carried out at room temperature and is mainly used for the molding of powder materials. This technology utilizes the hydraulic principle to apply pressure in multiple directions through multiple pressurized chambers, resulting in changes in the microstructure of the material, which in turn produces better mechanical properties.

The cold isostatic pressing process for Ceramxpert alumina ceramics has the following advantages and disadvantages:

Reduction of internal stresses and avoidance of cracks:
The cold isostatic pressing process effectively eliminates internal stresses in the billet, resulting in a crack-free sintered body, which is essential for improving the quality of alumina ceramic products.

Microstructure close to wet molding:
The microstructure of alumina ceramics prepared using the cold isostatic pressing process is less different from that of wet molded α-Al2O3 ceramic products, which means that the product properties can be improved by the cold isostatic pressing process while maintaining a better microstructure.

Applicable to complex shapes and sizes of unrestricted parts:
Although the evidence does not directly mention the cold isostatic pressing process, according to the general characteristics of the isostatic pressing process, it is able to produce parts with complex internal shapes and long thin walls, which suggests that the cold isostatic pressing process is also applicable to complex shapes and sizes of unrestricted alumina ceramic parts.
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