How to Clean High-Pressure DSC Crucibles for Accurate Results

CeramXpert Tip: How to Clean High-Pressure DSC Crucibles for Accurate Results
After conducting tests with high-pressure DSC crucibles, residue inside the crucible can impact your heat signal readings. So, what’s the best way to clean it?
Mild Cleaning: Start with a neutral cleaning agent (e.g., dish soap or hand sanitizer) diluted in water. For tougher residues, use a higher concentration of the agent with a heating solution (40-50°C) or an ultrasonic cleaning bath. Clean for around 3 minutes, then wipe dry.
Impact of Residue: If residue remains, it can interfere with heat signals by creating uneven contact between the sample and crucible wall, leading to distorted results.
Avoid using metal tools to scrape the crucible—opt for fine-grit sandpaper (e.g., 120-grit) if necessary, but be cautious to prevent scratches.
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